Eine Vision in die Zukunft.
Die Gesellschaft für Mesotherapie des Vereinigten Königreichs (SoMUK) wurde 2013 in London gegründet und folgt den Prinzipien des Gründers der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Mesotherapie, Dr. Michel Pistor (1924-2003).
Wir bieten Mitgliedschaftsoptionen an, die auf Ihre spezifischen Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten sind.
Die professionellen Standards der SoMUK sollen sicherstellen, dass Mesotherapie Praktiker in Großbritannien:
Entsprechend geschult und erfahren sind, um Mesotherapie sicher zu praktizieren.
Die Gesetze der Regierung respektieren und befolgen.
Entsprechend ihrem Bildungsniveau ausgebildet sind (zugeschnitten auf “nur medizinische” oder “fortgeschrittene Ästhetiker”).
Sich ihrer zusätzlichen Verantwortung bewusst sind, wenn sie über Verschreibungsrechte verfügen.
Sich ihrer zusätzlichen Verantwortung bewusst sind, wenn sie andere in kosmetischen Behandlungen schulen.
Ordnungsgemäß versichert sind, um Mesotherapie-Behandlungen anzubieten.
Die aktuellen Richtlinien und Protokolle für eine sichere und effektive Bereitstellung von Behandlungen mit Mesotherapie befolgen.
Die physischen, sozialen, psychischen und emotionalen Unterstützungsbedürfnisse ihrer Patienten (Schutz) berücksichtigen.
Sich ihrer zusätzlichen Verantwortung bewusst sind, wenn sie die klinische Aufsicht über andere Praktiker übernehmen.
Individuell mit allen Patienten zusammen arbeiten, um sicherzustellen, dass ihre Erwartungen an die für sie erzielbaren Ergebnisse realistisch sind und, dass sie in der Lage sind, gerechtfertigte Entscheidungen zu treffen, denen die Patienten angemessen zustimmen.
Unsere letzten Trainings

Unsere Testimonials
Unsere Testimonials
The training fulfilled all my expectations and I highly recommend this training for every healthcare professional who wants to improve their skills and theoretical knowledge in mesotherapy. As a Medical Educator, I highly value this course for its consistency and the efficacy of the training. It is stimulating and pleasant.”
Prof Dr. Theodoros Xanthos
„I have always wanted to get training in Mesotherapy, there were so many courses out there I didn’t know which one to choose. I met Dr. Philippe Hamida Pisal at a launch event and saw first hand the immediate effects of Mesotherapy on the hand and I was sold. The course with the society of Mesotherapy was 2 days long which covered facial/hand rejuvenation, cellulite, alopecia and pain. We had 2 full afternoons to practice the different techniques. My favorite was hand rejuvenation using the cannula technique. The trainers were very attentative and supportive, we had plenty of models to practice on and were guided through all the different meso cocktails out there. At the end of the course I felt confident injecting, in fact I found the first pair of hands to inject the following day and what a transformation it was! I would highly recommend this course for those interested in a solid foundation and excellent injecting skills.“
Dr Sarah Khalifa
„I came across the Society of Mesotherapy when my PA was doing research as to mesotherapy done on the body for cellulite and other issues. I was already doing mesotherapy on the face and also teaching it’s use to Advanced Beauty Therapists but the body was a mystery to me and I was keen to learn more.
Needless to say the two day training outstripped my expectations. A lot of the training is aimed at the medical community and therefore not suitable on a practical level for Beauty Therapist. However, it gave me a very well rounded overview of all the application of mesotherapy. I also learned new injecting techniques and the use of a meso gun which although were not “for me”, I found being able to try them out in a practical way confirmed to me that I was doing things in the correct way.
As a Beauty Therapist I came away with three things from this class. Enough knowledge to write an accredited Level 4 Mesotherapy Qualification for my students, a new way to mix my cocktails and a wonderful support network in this fledgling professional group. There is something very comforting about being able to pick up the phone to someone far more experienced than yourself. The ongoing support is what so many trainings lack and I’m glad to say this is not the case here.“
Lorena Oberg
CEO to Lorena Oberg Skin Clinics and Traning